Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Year Book II

good Old Karl Slominski.

I didn't really get to know Karl until the second year at The Kubert school. Both of us kind of had story ideas that we wanted to work on, a lot of brainstorming was done on lunch breaks over Buffalo chicken pizza at MS 2. Slommy was always willing to hear what ever crazy idea I had, or new characters, or just how the little pieces of the puzzle I was trying to fit together were coming together. To be honest, he still does, I email him all the time with these long scripts filled with typos or pages of notes for stuff I won't get to for years. Karl has read more crazy outlines and long story arcs for forever winter then probably anybody. A couple of years ago when I approached Karl to do a short story, he jumped all over it....you can see it below, in short the dude is awesome.

Karl is all over the internets I suggest you start with...


Karl was nice enough to knock out two forever winter sketches for me. One during second year and one during third.

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